Assoc. Prof. Özlem

Ozlem Kutlu received the B.S. degree from Department of Biology, Ege University, Izmir, in 2002, and the MSc. and Ph.D. degree from the Department of Material and Life Science, Kumamoto University, Japan, in 2008. During 2009–2012, she was a Postdoctoral Fellow in Molecular Biology, Genetics and Bioengineering Program, Sabanci University, Istanbul. She is currently an Associate Professor and Research Team Leader at Sabanci University Nanotechnology Research and Application Center (SUNUM). Her research interest is molecular regulation of genetic diseases. She focuses on Human Rare (Gaucher, Ichthyosis, Niemann-Pick etc.) and common Genetic Disease (Alzheimer, Parkinson etc.), Drug/Gene Delivery with Biodegradable Nanoparticles and Biomedical Application of novel Medical Devices.