Evaluation Criteria

Experts will be asked to evaluate all proposals following the evaluation criteria and sub-criteria mentioned below.

STEP CRITERIA SCORE(over 100) TRESHOLD PRIORITY(in case of ex-aequo)
ELIGIBILITY CHECK (STEP 1) Application submitted before the deadline In order to pass to Step 2, applicants must fulfil all these criteria
All necessary documents included
Mobility and ER rules fulfilled
Academic requirements for postdoctoral studies
EVALUATION OF MERITS(STEP 2) Education: graduate and postgraduate education (Masters, PhD). 10 20 2
Research & working experience: participation in projects, publications,attendance to conferences and events, patents, research skills and competencies, and reference letters. 25
Others: mobility (research stays), supervision and mentoring, public awareness, English level, suitability of the profile to the programme, industrial experience. 5
Research proposal: quality and novelty of the research proposal, alignment with the hosting institution and PI’s interest. 30 15 3
INTERVIEWS SHORT LISTED(STEP 3) Research Skills: Scientific excellence, level of independence, motivation andpotential as a future lead researcher, scientific quality of the presentation and answers during the QA session. 24 15 1
Communication Skills: English skills & oral communication skills 3
Interpersonal Skills: Professional attitude, team player, reliability, motivation etc. 3

Scoring and Thresholds

Experts will award a score of a minimum of 0 (the proposal fails to address the criterion or is incomplete), from 1 (very poor) to 5 (excellent) points.

Evaluation Criteria for Research Proposals

SEC members will be asked to evaluate all proposals based on the evaluation criteria and sub-criteria mentioned below:

  1. Excellence (Weight 50%)
  • Quality and feasibility of the research/innovation project; level of novelty, inter/multidisciplinary and gender aspects.
  • Quality and suitability the two-way transfer of knowledge between the researcher and the host organisation
  • Quality of the supervision and the integration in the team/institution
  • Capacity of the researcher to reach or re-enforce a position of professional maturity.
  1. Impact (Weight 30%)
  • Enhancing the potential and future career prospects of the researcher
  • Quality of the proposed measures to exploit and disseminate the project results.
  • Quality of the proposed measures to communicate the project activities to different target audiences.
  1. Quality and efficiency of the implementation (Weight 20%)
  • Coherence and effectiveness of the work plan
  • Appropriateness of the allocation of tasks and resources
  • Appropriateness of the management structure and procedures, risk management
  • Appropriateness of the institutional environment (infrastructure)