Programme Description

NANOBIO4CAN offers 24 positions two-year postdoctoral fellowships as the next-generation of skilled scientists in the fields of nanobiotechnology and health-related applications for cancer research in two calls to carry out their research projects in one of the 4 top international recruiting organisations: SUNUM, IBG, TUBITAK-MAM and KUTTAM.

The overarching objective of the programme is to enhance the potential and future career perspectives of recruited postdoctoral fellows by providing a highly interdisciplinary & intersectoral research approach in nanobiotechnology & cancer research while maintaining the highest research quality standards and fulfilling all the principles of Open Science.

The postdoctoral programme will maximise its impact on the career perspectives and leadership potential of recruited fellows by integrating a holistic approach to training through a comprehensive combination of research-oriented and demanded soft skills. In addition to state-of-the-art advanced training in basic biological and medical sciences and nanotechnology, the unique NanoBio4Can training programme will include an active contribution of industry partners and clinics through secondments to equip post-doctoral fellows with transferable and business skills to help them become future innovators and entrepreneurs.