Prof. Özlem
Keskin Özkaya

Currently, Ozlem Keskin is a professor in the Chemical and Biological Engineering Department at Koc University, Istanbul. Before, she was a postdoctoral fellow at the National Cancer Institute-National Institutes of Health, U.S.A., during 1999− 2001. She received her Ph.D. degree in Chemical Engineering in 1999, at Bogazici University, Istanbul. She is a member of the Science Academy, Turkey and recipient of several awards including the TUBITAK Science Award, Turkey, 2012 and the UNESCO-L’OREAL Co-Sponsored Fellowship Award for Young Women in Life Sciences, 2005. She is an associate editor in Plos Comp Biol, Plos One and BMC Structural Biology. Her work focuses on understanding the principles of protein−protein interactions (PPIs), the molecular mechanisms, physical principles and dynamics of macromolecular systems. She co-heads the Computational Systems Biology (COSBI) group aiming to construct protein interactomes by integrating atomistic details of protein-protein interfaces.  Her work received more than 9000 citations according to Google Scholar (as of 2019). For more information, please visit the researcher's website