"Ezgi Karaca is a computational structural biologist with expertise in integrative modeling and biomolecular dynamics. She earned her bachelor's (2006) and master's (2008) degrees in Chemical Engineering at Bogazici University, where her research under Prof. Turkan Haliloglu and Prof. Ruth Nussinov focused on the interaction network of the tumor suppressor protein p73, shedding light on its role in cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. Dr. Karaca completed her Ph.D. (2013) in Computational Structural Biology at Utrecht University in the lab of Prof. Alexandre Bonvin. Her doctoral research significantly advanced the development of HADDOCK, a globally utilized docking software, by improving its capabilities to model large and dynamic protein complexes. From 2013 to 2016, she pursued postdoctoral research at EMBL Heidelberg, working with Dr. Teresa Carlomagno and Dr. Orsolya Barabas. During this time, she developed M3, a computational tool for modeling protein-nucleic acid complexes using sparse experimental data, a milestone that earned her the prestigious Alexander von Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellowship. In 2017, Dr. Karaca returned to Türkiye, establishing her Computational Structural Biology Lab at the Izmir Biomedicine and Genome Center (IBG) and joining Dokuz Eylul University as an Assistant Professor. Her lab investigates interface dynamics and its influence on biomolecular recognition, which led to her receiving the EMBO Installation Grant in 2020. Dr. Karaca has actively contributed to the computational structural biology community, notably serving as an assessor during CASP14 and CASP15 (Critical Assessment of Structure Prediction), becoming the first scientist from Türkiye to hold this role."