Prof. Devrim

Dr Gozuacik obtained his MD degree from the Hacettepe School of Medicine. He received his MS degree in Biochemistry from Ecole Polytechnique and Paris-Sud University and his PhD degree in Cancer Cell Biology from Pasteur Institute and Necker Children’s Hospital Research Center in Paris. Then, he moved to the Weizmann Institute of Science for his postdoctoral studies on Cancer and Cell Death Connections. After 14 years of academic career at Sabanci University, he was appointed to Koç University School of Medicine and KUTTAM as a Research Professor. Dr Gozuacik also serves as a Board Member of the International Cell Death Society and as an Affiliate Member of the AIM Center of Biomedical Research Excellence at the University of New Mexico, US. Dr Gozuacik’s research focuses on the study of autophagy signalling and autophagy abnormalities in cancer stem cells, cancer-stroma interactions, tumour immunity, cancer metastasis and dormancy as well as in neurodegeneration.