Prof. Atilla

Dr Attila Gürsoy is a professor in the Department of Computer Engineering. In 1994, he completed his PhD in Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. As a postdoctoral research fellow in the Theoretical and Computational Biophysics Group at the Beckman Institute UIUC, he contributed to the development of a parallel molecular dynamics programme. - NAMD. Dr Gürsoy co-directs the COSBI LAB (Computational and Systems Biology Laboratory) with Dr Özlem Keskin. His research interests include computational and integrative network biology, high-performance computing and simulations. He develops rapid methods to predict structural models of protein-protein interactions at the genome scale and develops methods to link genomic variations to diseases using network biology approaches. Dr Gürsoy is a member of the Academy of Science. For more information, please visit the research group's website