NANOBIO4CAN kickoff meeting was held
The kick-off meeting of the NANOBIO4CAN Project, which will be carried out under the coordination of SUNUM, was held on May 9, 2024.
The Project Kickoff Meeting, hosted by NANOBIO4CAN Project Coordinator and SUNUM Director Prof. Dr. Fazilet Vardar, was started by the presentation of TÜBİTAK President Prof. Dr. Hasan Mandal and Sabancı University Rector Prof. Dr. Yusuf Leblebici's speech. At the meeting where the project partners signed the cooperation protocol, NANOBIO4CAN Project Coordinator Prof. Dr. Fazilet Vardar, Koç University Vice Rector for Research and Innovation Prof. Dr. Hakan Ürey, TÜBITAK-MAM President Prof. Dr. Burcu Özsoy and IBG Director Prof. Dr. Bayram Yılmaz shared the studies they will carry out in the project.
NANOBIO4CAN Project, which is a mobility scholarship program for postdoctoral researchers within the scope of Marie Sklodowska-Curie - COFUND, under the Scientific Excellence component of the Horizon Europe Programme, aims to develop "Nano-Biotechnologies for Innovative Therapeutic Approaches in Cancer".
NANOBIO4CAN Project, which aims to conduct postdoctoral research on drug development, drug delivery and target systems development, testing and validation systems, is an accelerator program specially designed not only for academic studies focused on cancer research but also to develop the entrepreneurial mindset in early stage researchers.